Introducing our “Little Champions Collection,” prosthetic leg covers designed specifically for children with below-knee prostheses. Embrace functionality with a splash of fun with these customized covers that not only protect the prosthesis but also empower your child to express their personality boldly and brightly.
Features and Benefits:
Customizable Designs: Choose from an array of vibrant themes and colors that reflect your child’s favorite hobbies, interests, or characters, turning their prosthetic into a cool accessory.
Durable Materials: Constructed from robust materials, these covers are engineered to withstand the wear and tear of active children, from playground antics to sports.
Lightweight Comfort: Lightweight construction ensures that these covers do not add unnecessary weight, making them easy for children to wear without affecting mobility.
Ease of Use: Our covers are designed for easy installation and removal, enabling quick adjustments and straightforward cleaning.
What type of prosthesis is used for below the knee?
Below-the-knee prosthetics, also known as transtibial prosthetics, typically consist of a socket, pylon, and foot. These components are custom-fitted to provide the best support and mobility.
Can children get prosthetic legs?
Absolutely! Children who have undergone amputations can use prosthetic legs. These are specifically designed to accommodate growth and activity, allowing kids to engage fully in everyday activities and play.
What is the best prosthesis for BKA?
The best prosthesis for below-knee amputees (BKA) typically involves advanced materials and technology that offer a combination of durability, comfort, and ease of movement, tailored to the lifestyle and growth needs of the child.
What do you wear under a prosthetic leg?
Wearing a prosthetic liner made of silicone, gel, or foam helps cushion the residual limb, reduces skin irritation, and improves the fit of the prosthesis.
Don’t let anything hold back your little champion! Equip them with our Prosthetic Leg Covers from the “Little Champions Collection
Read about: prosthetic leg covers above knee for children